Cracker Jack

Cracker Jack

NEW seedless watermelon

Cracker Jack (E26C.00063) has a very strong plant, providing good fruit cover
Provide a strong vine throughout the growing season
Uniformly setting, blocky oval fruit
Offers firm flesh with a very deep red internal colour when cut
Early maturity of 81 - 83 days
Average weights are 7 to 9 kg 
Sets 2 - 3 fruits per plant
Brix: 12° - 13°

For more information about this variety, speak to your local Enza Zaden Representative or product specialist.

Available through Enza Zaden

Crop Type
Resistance IR
Plant type
Our varieties of type Watermelon
More info
For more information about this variety, speak to your local Enza Zaden Representative or product specialist.